Saturday, 1 February 2014

Teaching 101

       I decided to make a “Wordle” (Feinberg, 2013) that is comprised of a few of the words that I think describe teachers and learners.

(Feinberg, 2013)

       My favourite word that describes a teacher is ‘guide’. I really like this term because it is different than the idea that teachers know everything and the students know nothing. I really like that the teachers are there to lead and give support to the students, but allow the students to discover concepts and knowledge on their own. Overall, I really like the term, ‘discussion’, as it goes along with the idea that teachers are not the only ones that teach (Freire, 1993). Students have their own experiences and beliefs that allow them to converse with the teacher and their fellow classmates to deepen the understanding and knowledge for both the teacher and the students (Freire, 1993). My favourite word for learners is “explorers”. I really agree with the concept of students being guided to find their own understanding, however, learners gain knowledge through their own exploration. Exploring allows students to actually remember the content, as opposed to simply memorizing facts and formulas (Freire, 1993).
       I really look forward to teaching. I decided early on in my life that I wanted to be a teacher and I chose the Faculty of Education. I remember my first Education class was EDUC 201 with Dr. Dianne Gereluk and she showed us a video entitled, What Teachers Make. I remember how strongly this video impacted me. I knew in that moment that I had made the right decision to become a teacher. I want to be the person that can help change a student’s life. I want to be their support system, even if they do not have anyone else there for them. I want to be the person that they know they can trust and rely on. I want to be the person that can “make a difference” (Mali & H455el, 2011, 2:45).

(Mali & H455el, 2011)


Mali, T. (Performer), & H455el, (2011). What teachers make [Web]. Retrieved from

Feinberg, J. (2013). Retrieved from

Freire, P. (1993). Pedagogy of the oppressed. (2 ed., pp. 71-86). New York, NY: Continuum Books. Retrieved from

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