Friday 14 February 2014

Everyone is Different

           Every individual is different, and everyone has their own story. As a teacher I must include the diversity of my students into the classroom to allow all students to feel welcome and included. A quote from Maxine Greene (1993) that I love is,

(Greene, 1993, p. 211)

 (Hargreave, 2009)

When individuals are made to feel as though they are unimportant and insignificant, as if physically placed in the margins of a piece of paper through the treatment of others, a rift will develop between the community of practice. In instances of marginalization, anger and hatred can develop.
          As a teacher, one of my biggest worries is how to include all of my students and have them feel important. I do not want to be the teacher that unintentionally pushes a student to the side. The pain and damage that I could cause to a student is terrifying to me. However, what I need to do is make a conscious effort to include all. An activity that I have planned for my students will occur during the first week of class. I will cut a giant piece of paper into puzzle pieces. I will then have the students put pictures and words that describe themself onto their puzzle piece. At the end of the class, I will put all the puzzle pieces together and place them on the wall. We will then have a class discussion about how every individual is unique on their own, however, when all the uniqueness is put together we become a whole beautiful masterpiece. I will strive to include all students in the group discussion. My goal as a teacher is to provide all students with the feelings of importance and inclusion.


Greene, M. (1993). Diversity and inclusion: Toward a curriculum for human beings. Teachers College Record, 2(95), 211-221.

Hargreave, E. (Photographer). (2009, July 13). Lined paper [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

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